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Events in Jerusalem

Piyyut Festival 2012: Day Three (September 12, 2012)

at 12.09.2012

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Wednesday sep 12th

Beit Avi Chai's Piyyut Festival returns to Jerusalem for the fifth year straight. This year's festival will take place at Beit Avi Chai and other venues around Jerusalem from September 10-13, 2012, and will focus on the piyyut and prayer traditions that developed in the complex shared arena of Jewish-Arab culture, both past and present.

Day Three: September 12, 2012

I Shall Make Music: A gala to mark the launch of a new album of piyyutim, E'erokh Zemer

A concert with unique arrangements of piyyutim from the tradition of Libyan Jewry, which was one of the most ancient and diverse traditions in the Jewish world.

In the wake of "From Desert and Sea," their show at the 2010 Piyyut Festival, the members of the ensemble continued their work until it ripened into this unique and surprising debut album. This performance to launch their new album sums up years of work collecting, arranging, and gaining a deep knowledge of the fascinating tradition of Libyan Jewry, and brings the music created by the Jews of Libya, between Africa and the Orient, to center stage.

The following artists contributed to the album: Barry Sacharov / Erez Lev-Ari / Shai Gabsso / Ravid Kachlani

The project is sponsored by the Or Shalom Center for the Preservation and Perpetuation Teaching of the Libyan Jewish Heritage, Bat Yam.

Opening remarks:
Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Aviad -Jerusalem district inspector, Department for Religious Culture, Ministry of Education
Pedatzur Ben-Atia-chairman, Or Shalom

Arrangements and musical direction: Yaniv Raba and Yankale Segal
Artistic Direction and Research: Yaniv Raba

Special Guest: Shai Gabbso
With paytanim: Yitzhak Chayun-soloist / Rafael Chayun / Assi Maimon

Yaniv Raba-oud / Yankale Segal-guitar and tar / Ariel Qassis-qanoun / Itzhak Ventura-ney
Roei Fridman-percussion / Avi Agavava-percussion


King George St. 44


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