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Events in Jerusalem

Slaughtering the Cow Season Four: The Jewish Gene

at 06.12.2011

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Tuesday dec 6th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Slaughtering the Cow *" back for its fourth season.
The cow makes a comeback with new slaughter, funnier than ever!
Hosts: Yair Lehman and Inbal Lori

Tuesday, November 29, 10 PM
Tuesday, December 6, 10 PM

The Jewish Gene * New
Once and for all-does such a thing exist? Hasn't the time come to break up into tribes again? What ethnic group is the "ethnic demon" from? Is the rumor true that Abraham was black? Why is our gene so money hungry? And why is everyone anti-Semitic?

Admission: 50 NIS; students: NIS 30, first drink on the house

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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