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Mystorin Theater Group at First Station
15.8 - 17.8
In light of the festival season, the Mystorin Theater Group will present a theatrical show at the First Station Compound in Jerusalem, managed by the Artistic Director, Yulya Guiness. The show, "Yam B'Yerushalyim" will include special effects, huge puppet and known characters from the Mystery Theater Group.
The festival is sponsored by the Municipality of Jerusalem and other organizations.
Free admission.
Dates and Hours:
Thursday 15.8, 20:00 - 23:00
Friday 16.8, 11:00 - 14:00
Saturday, 17.8, 16:00 - 19:00.
Production: Mystery Theater Group
Location: The First Station compound
Image courtesy of the Mystorin Theater Group:
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