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AACI's J-Town Playhouse Proudly Presents "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee"
Conceived by Rebecca Feldman, Music and Lyrics by William Finn, Book by Rachel Sheinkin, and
Additional Material by Jay Reiss
Directed by Alina Halpert and Elinor Kauffman
Musical Direction and Accompaniment by Jeff Rosenschein
Choreography by Yaeli Greenblatt
Improvisation Coaching by Raphael Poch
Hebrew Subtitles and Translation by Michal Gellman
This Tony Award winning one-act musical comedy is a hilarious tale of overachievers' angst chronicling the experience of six adolescent outsiders vying for the spelling championship of a lifetime. The story follows six students, three adults plus four real audience members as they try to spell their way to first prize ($200 gift certificate) and a chance to compete in the national finals in Washington D.C.
Winner of 2 Tony Awards, it is among the unlikeliest of hit musicals about the unlikeliest of heroes: a quirky yet charming cast of outsiders for whom a spelling bee is the one place where they can stand out and fit in at the same time. Filled with humor and hilarity, real live audience members are invited up onto the stage to participate in this musical, forcing the cast to improvise and help the on-stage audience members also compete, while still managing to make us catch our breath and emotionally connect with each and every one of them, as they dance, sing and spell their way into our hearts and memories!
There will be a Hebrew sub-title translation screened simultaneously during the performance.
Oct. 11th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th, 25th 8pm performances
And Oct. 18th 8:30 performance
Afternoon performance Oct. 18th 5pm
Location: AACI - Dr. Max and Gianna Glassman Family Center
Price: 80 NIS/60 NIS for AACI Members and students/soldiers - group discount available, for groups of 10 or more!
For tickets and more information please call:
02-566-1181 - group tickets can only be purchased by phone!
Or, order online here.
AACI: Dr. Max and Gianna Glassman Family Center 37 Pierre Koenig, corner of Poalei Tzedek
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