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Events in Jerusalem

Pursue Justice

at 07.08.2011

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Sunday aug 7th

On August 4th and 7th at 20:30, Beit Avi Chai and Stage Productions present two performances of "Pursue Justice" in the renovated auditorium P7.

Avram, a farmer and rescue squad member in the Judean desert, waits in ambush for the murderer of his son, Yitzchak, on a cold desert night in order to fulfill his promise to avenge his son's blood. During the ambush, Avram experiences a surprising journey full of twists and turns. This universal and very human play addresses the meaning of the other and of existence.

Winner of the 2010 Theatronetto Award
By: Yosefa Even-Shushan

Acting: Shay Zaviv, Director: Lihi Beckerman, Lighting design: Ziv Wolloshin, Set design: Maya Peleg; Sound editing: Yuval Bar-On, Production: Roni Zaviv.

From the critics:
"A spectacular performance by Shay Zaviv... this play is a must-see from Gush Etzion to the heart of Tel Aviv." Ahbar HaIr Online
"Even Shushan convincingly creates a mixture of the radical elements of life... an exquisite performance by Shay Zaviv." Shay Bar-Yaakov, Yedi'ot Aharonot

Following the play, a discussion will be held with Shay Zviv, about justice and the other.

Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 30



Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44


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