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Events in Jerusalem

Em Kol Chai (Mother of All Living Things)

at 13.03.2011

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Sunday mar 13th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Em Kol Chai" (Mother of All Living Things): Pantomime, masks, music, and video art in a spellbinding encounter with women from the Bible.

~Thursday, March 10, 8:30 PM
~Sunday, March 13, 8:30 PM

"Anna Valosov brings us whole worlds through her eyes ... She creates animated illustrations of creation that are innocent, bright, and clean. She takes us to the world of childhood for a while, to the world where each of us is a music note. She stirs up feelings of light and human warmth in all of us."
(Ella Podloizhnya, Today, Kiev, Ukraine).

This show has participated in many international festivals and won prizes and much praise.

Acting: Anna Valosov

The play will be followed by a study session about Women in the Torah with Dr. Ruhama Weiss.

Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 30
* The play will take place in P7.

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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