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Events in Jerusalem

Stage One Amateur English Theatre Festival: Silence Not

at 31.03.2010

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Wednesday mar 31st

Jerusalem is home to many English-language theater groups, run by volunteers whose immigrant pasts allow for a unique commentary on local issues and identity. During Passover 2010, Beit Avi Chai will spotlight this thriving subculture through three days that showcase the finest English-language drama Jerusalem has to offer.

Silence Not

• Wednesday, March 31st, 22:00 / Friday, April 2nd, 10:00

Amid the tumult of 1930s Hamburg, a young Jewish socialist joins forces with a rebellious Catholic craftsman to rise up against the onset of Nazism, soon finding herself falling in love.
Written by Cynthia L. Cooper
Directed by Gabriela Willans
Center Stage Theater

Admission: NIS 40; students: NIS 20


King George St. 44


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