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Events in Jerusalem

Stage One Amateur English Theatre Festival: The Keys to the City

at 01.04.2010

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Thursday apr 1st

Jerusalem is home to many English-language theater groups, run by volunteers whose immigrant pasts allow for a unique commentary on local issues and identity. During Passover 2010, Beit Avi Chai will spotlight this thriving subculture through three days that showcase the finest English-language drama Jerusalem has to offer.

The Keys to the City

• Thursday, April 1st, 18:00 / Friday, April 2nd, 11:00

An original one-act opera that draws on historical sources to depict the British seizure of Jerusalem from the Turks in 1917, and the efforts of one Jewish woman to save her husband from forced conscription in the Austro-Hungarian army.
Written by Robert Binder
Directed by Robert Binder & Paul Salter
The ENCORE theatre company

Admission: NIS 40; students: NIS 20


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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