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Events in Jerusalem

Sukkot in Jerusalem

Sukkot in Jerusalem at 23.10.2024

Until 23.10.2024

A joyous reprieve from the solemnity of the High Holy Days, the week-long Sukkot festival is part harvest celebration, part remembrance of the exodus from Egypt. Jews eat outside in decorated huts, called "sukkot," for a period of seven days, to remind themselves of the humble dwellings in which their forefathers lived while wandering the desert with Moses.


In Jerusalem, there are huge festivals every day and concerts almost every night, whether you be in ultra-Orthodox Geula, the hopping city center, or even all the way out in peripheral, pastoral Ein Kerem. Museums and attractions aput on special shows and exhibits in a bid to attract the large holiday crowds, and the festival in general has the city in a joyous mood. It's all part of the seven-day finale to the fall holiday season's marathon of festivities.



The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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