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Events in Jerusalem

Classical Music Art Boutique Festival: Ina Esther Jost Ben Shoshan and Alan Sternfield

at 27.12.2012

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Thursday dec 27th

The Classical Music Art Boutique is a series of classical music concerts from various periods which take place in the beautiful living room of the home at 5 Dor Vedor Shav Street, a model of hospitality, once a month on Thursdays. The project hosts gifted musicians playing unique, eclectic classical music accompanied by wine and refreshments in an intimate setting.

The festival is produced by the musician Raphael Rifkin with help from the Center for the Absorption of Artists.

The next concert will take place on December 27 at 20:00, featuring cellist Ina Esther Jost Ben Shoshan and pianist Alan Sternfield who will play Myasovsky's variations on Mendelssohn (Opus 17), Sonanata #1, Debussy Opus 12, Sonata #2, F major and D minor, Brahms Opus 99 and more.

Entrance: 80 NIS, includes wine and refreshments

For more information and to order tickets call Elinor: 054-627-6690


Dor Vedor Shav St. 5


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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