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Events in Jerusalem

13th International Oud Festival: Women

at 13.11.2012

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Tuesday nov 13th

The Confederation House presents the 13th International Oud Festival, which will take place in Jerusalem from November 8-17, 2012.

Women's Song: Ilan Elia

Tuesday, 13 November 2012 22:00

The songs of Ilana Eliya have always combined local Jewish and Israeli traditions with ancient ones from the mountains of Kurdistan. Her performance continues to pursue this line, this time emphasizing songs sung by women-women of the Bible such as Deborah and Hannah, songs sung by women in Kurdistan and songs based upon the works of Israeli female poets such as Dahlia Ravikovitch and Yonah Wallach. "These days, when attempts are being made to make women invisible due to stereotypes about their supposed social role-eastern women in particular-I want to make the presence of the pure and
special voice of women's song felt," says Elia.


Ilana Elia vocals | Eliyahu Digmi saz | Tibi Golan nai | Eran Horowitz bass | Ephraim Zaken and Oren Fried percussion

Date: Tuesday, 13.11.12
Time: 22:00
Location: Confederation House
Duration: hour and half
Ticket Price: 80 NIS

For more details, the full schedule (in English), and to order tickets, please visit the Festival's website, here, or view / download the complete program here.


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