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Events in Jerusalem

13th International Oud Festival: Mama Zehyerei: Etti Ankri in a Tunisian Performance

at 10.11.2012

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Saturday nov 10th

The Confederation House presents the 13th International Oud Festival, which will take place in Jerusalem from November 8-17, 2012.

Mama Zehyerei: Etti Ankri in a Tunisian Performance

Saturday, 10 November 2012 21:30

Etti Ankri's grandmother, Mama Zehyerei, was born on the island of Jerba in Tunisia.

Through her childhood Etti Ankri was surrounded by Tunisian melodies and rhythms. "I listen again to songs that I heard in my childhood and select ones that are suited to audiences today," says Etti Ankri. "I travel to a moshav in the south to record Tunisian women from Jerba who preserve Jewish sacred songs, meet musicians from the Tunisian community in Israel to learn the Tunisian scales and encounter community members, who willingly help to bring the wonderful treasures of this tradition to light."


Etti Ankri vocal and guitar | Itamar Gross piano | Zur Ben Zeev bass guitar | Israel Nahum drums | Yossi Gershon keyboard | Shmuel Trabelsi darbuka | Roni Dalal oud | Rafi Shawat violin | Shneishel brothers zurna, bandir

Date: Saturday, 10.11.12
Time: 21:30
Location: Jerusalem Theater, Henry Crown Hall
Duration: our and half
Ticket Price: 120 NIS | balkony 90 NIS

Image credit: Naomi Shapira

For more details, the full schedule (in English), and to order tickets, please visit the Festival's website, here, or view / download the complete program here.


The festival takes place at various venues around Jerusalem. Please see the festival website for details.


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