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12 years of school, 3-4 years (at least!) of university, and then you work until you die - sound depressing? Summer, exams are over, we're young, our days are free - do you need a better reason to party? Wednesday at HaTza'atzua: the best student parties in Jerusalem, with the participation of exchange students from all over the world, special deals on alcohol, and an assortment of chasers for 10 NIS until midnight.
DJ Shlomo Azoulai rocks the house spinning music every Wednesday at HaTza'atzua.
Free entrance is subject to display of valid student card. Don't miss it!
Wednesday staff: Ariel Shorr: 050-996-0166 | Evyatar Gutshlak: 052-423-3452 | Ma'ayan Berkman: 054-550-0709 | Hadassah Lehmann: 050-968-7773
Daily, 21:00 until last customer
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