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Events in Jerusalem

Malach Misulam Yaakov at Beit Avi Chai

at 16.08.2011

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Tuesday aug 16th

Nurit Hirsh hosts Israel Rand

Tuesday, August 16, 20:30


Songwriter and artist Nurit Hirsh joins cantor and singer Israel Rand in a musical encounter for an evening of traditional songs and early songs of Israel.


This special performance of her best songs (and the stories behind them) includes: Mal'ach Misulam Ya'akov, Yerushalayim Sheli, Sha'alu Shelom Yerushalayim, Lima'an Zion Lo Echeshe, Al Chomotayich Yerushalayim, Lichsefa Nafshi, Ten Brachah, and Oseh Shalom. An evening full of love for modern Hebrew-Jewish songs

Admission: NIS 70 , students: NIS 30


The concert will take place in the BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard.


* Warm attire is recommended


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Malach Misulam Yaakov at Beit Avi Chai

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