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Events in Jerusalem

Front Stage 2011: Twenty Years of the Yellow Submarine with Yemen Blues and Tomer Yosef

at 08.07.2011

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Friday jul 8th

As part of Jerusalem's 2011 Front Stage festival, on July 8th, one of the capital city's most popular music venues celebrates twenty years of rock. Starting at 13:00, the Yellow Submarine will host a day of music and fun, centered around the giant stage set up outside as a gray parking lot is converted to a massive party with plenty of jamming and alcohol.


Headlining: Yemen Blues, the Umlala Band, and Tomer Yosef


Also, interactive stations will be set up for extreme sports and multimedia games.


Free admission; show begins at 13:00


HaRechavim St. 13

Near Front Stage 2011: Twenty Years of the Yellow Submarine with Yemen Blues and Tomer Yosef

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