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Events in Jerusalem

Lost: New Life for Forgotten Texts, Starring Kobi Oz

at 15.06.2011

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Wednesday jun 15th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Lost": New life for forgotten texts with Kobi Oz at 21:00.

In this series, top Israeli artists present new musical settings of forgotten poems collected from all corners of the Jewish world. The poems, written in the turbulent period from the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries, encompass moments great and small, canonical and simple, and public and private.

The melodies were written specially for the poems collected for the project. In each concert, songs composed for the project will be interspersed with well-known songs by the artist.

Artistic director: Shaanan Streett

Admission: NIS 60; students: NIS 20


King George St. 44

Near Lost: New Life for Forgotten Texts, Starring Kobi Oz

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