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Events in Jerusalem

Gilad Kahana (Saturday Nights)

at 09.04.2011

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Saturday apr 9th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Saturday Night - Coming Home:" A line-up of original Israeli music.

Artistic director: Nina Banaim

Production: Yan Productions

Admission: NIS 50; students: NIS 30, First drink on the house

Seating will be available for all concerts.

The top Israeli musicians hark back to their sources of inspiration-the stories, songs, and music of their childhood homes that influenced their work throughout their lives.

Saturdays at 22:00

Gilad Kahana

"I have nothing; I have nothing that can make me happy..."

~Saturday, April 9, 10 PM

The soloist of the Girraffot, who also has a career as a soloist, and has released four albums, published books, and taken part in art exhibitions. During the concert, he will speak about whatever comes to your minds and his: about his childhood in Mexico, loss of both parents, marriage and fatherhood, and the Girraffot.


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Gilad Kahana (Saturday Nights)

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