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On the eve of Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day), memorial ceremonies will take place throughout Jerusalem.
Ceremony at Yad Labanim at 16:30
Ceremony for parents of fallen soldiers in the courtyard of Yad Lebanim with the participation of the Prime Minister, Chair of the Knesset, head of the Supreme Court, Chief Rabbi, and mayor of Jerusalem.
Central ceremony at the Western Wall at 20:00
The central Remembrance Day opening ceremony will take place at the Western Wall at 20:00, with the participation of the President, the mayor of Jerusalem, the head of the IDF, VIPs, and families of fallen soldiers and victims of terror.
Ceremonies in neighborhood community centers
Memorial ceremonies and sing alongs will take place at various neighborhood community centers around town, including Beit Hakerem, Kiryat Moshe, Baka, Gonenim, Gilo, French Hill, Homat Shmuel, Ginot Hair, Pisgat Ze'ev, Katamon, Kiryat Yovel, Kiryat Menachem, Romema, Ramot Alon, Shmuel Hanavi, East Talpiot.
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