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Events in Jerusalem

Dikla (Saturday Nights)

at 27.11.2010

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Saturday nov 27th

Beit Avi Chai presents "The New Saturday Night - Coming Home: A line-up of original Israeli music.

Artistic director: Nina Banaim

Production: Yan Productions

Admission: NIS 50; students: NIS 30, First drink on the house

Seating will be available for all concerts.

The top Israeli musicians hark back to their sources of inspiration-the stories, songs, and music of their childhood homes that influenced their work throughout their lives.

Saturdays at 22:00


• Saturday, November 27, 22:00

The diva of Hebrew-Arabic rock sweeps you off your feet with a vibrant show marking the release of her third album, Arlosoroff 38. Dikla will talk about her childhood in Beer Sheva, the Mizrahi influence of her home, writing while constantly searching, loyalty to her inner truth, and the price she paid for her loyalty.

Dikla, vocals and violin / Yair Zabari, drums / Ran Levi, bass / Tomer Moked, guitar and violin / Tal After, keyboard / Uriah Gazit, trumpet



Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Dikla (Saturday Nights)

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