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Events in Jerusalem

Lazer Lloyd Band with Andy Watts

at 11.11.2010

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Thursday nov 11th

The Yellow Submarine presents the Lazer LLoyd Band with Andy Watts.

Lazer Lloyd the Blues Rocker from America has been making waves in Israel for the last few years. He has warmed up for Snowy White and headlined major festivals around Israel. His new single Set My Soul Free on Rafa Records will be released this month on 88FM by Ben Red who say's that Lazer is the real thing happening in Israel.

Ilan Lucas from Channel 2 TV and David Brinn from the Jerusalem Post also agree that Lazer and his band is the best live Blues Rock show in Israel. Lazer is now touring Israel with special guest Andy Watts on Guitar.


HaRechavim St. 13

Near Lazer Lloyd Band with Andy Watts

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