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Events in Jerusalem

Danny Litani: Life According to Agfa (Saturday Nights)

at 08.05.2010

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Saturday may 8th

Beit Avi Chai's Saturday night music line, directed by Shaanan Street, presents:

Line-up for Iyar: Music Cinema

In honor of the month of Iyar and the country’s Independence Day celebrations, here’s a line-up that pays tribute to Israeli cinema, with the songs and movies that have become an integral part of our lives.

Danny Litani: Life According to Agfa

The singer of "Ba-Makom ha-Zeh"-the theme song of Life According to Agfa-in a concert that blends the blues with Israeli music, featuring the hits "Mashber Emun," "Tzif Tzif me-al ha-Retzif," "Ve-Lo Haya Beinenu Ela Zohar," "Yemot Mashiah," and more.
With guitarist Gadi Ben-Elisha
Seating available

*Standing room only


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Danny Litani: Life According to Agfa (Saturday Nights)

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