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Events in Jerusalem

Sheygets: Someone to Run With (Saturday Nights)

at 01.05.2010

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Saturday may 1st

Beit Avi Chai's Saturday night music line, directed by Shaanan Street, presents:

Line-up for Iyar: Music Cinema

In honor of the month of Iyar and the country’s Independence Day celebrations, here’s a line-up that pays tribute to Israeli cinema, with the songs and movies that have become an integral part of our lives.

Sheygets: Someone to Run With

Soloist Yuval Mendelson acted and sang in the film Someone to Run With. He and his band perform hits from their three albums, including “Intercom,” “Abba Orekh Din,” “Ha-Milim Hahki Yafot,” and “Ha-Taharut ha-Olimpit.”

Yuval Mendelson, vocals
Shiko Feldman, electric guitar
Assaf Raizz, drums
Avi Marcovitch, bass guitar

*Standing room only


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Sheygets: Someone to Run With (Saturday Nights)

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