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Events in Jerusalem

Evelin Hagoel: La Rose (Saturday Nights)

at 10.04.2010

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Saturday apr 10th

Beit Avi Chai's Saturday night music line, directed by Shaanan Street, presents:

Line-up for Nissan: Eat, Drink and Be Merry


An original Moroccan line-up in honor of the Mimouna festival
Each concert will include a song by Jo Amar, in honor of this great artist, who passed away this year.

Evelin Hagoel: La Rose

Actress Evelin Hagoel in a moving cabaret-style concert with an original musical message. Hagoel embarks on a romantic trek around the world, with classic songs of love and yearning in new arrangements and a variety of languages.
Special guest: Sorelo Levy, flamenco guitar (which he played in Jo Amar's final concerts)
Marcelo Pardo, guitar / Tomer Moked, violin and guitar / Maor Rosenberg, double bass
Matan Ben-Zvi, drums and cajon / Dikla: musical production
* Seating available


Beit Avi Chai King George St. 44

Near Evelin Hagoel: La Rose (Saturday Nights)

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