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Events in Jerusalem

Songs from the Movies

at 05.05.2010

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Wednesday may 5th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Songs from the Movies": Nurit Hirsch hosts Gila Almagor

An evening of music for films composed by Nurit Hirsch, together with films featuring Gila Almagor, Israel Prize laureate in cinema.

A concert of songs that have become classics interwoven with the stories behind the scenes at the movies, all fused into a single soundtrack in a tribute to the music in Israeli films.

Together with the songs and stories, clips from the best of Israeli cinema will be shown.

The event will be held three times:
Sunday, April 25, 8:30 PM
Wednesday, May 5, 8:30 PM

Sunday, June 13: 8:00 PM


This is a Hebrew-language only event


King George St. 44

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