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Events in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Arts Festival: Classic Spring, Budding Flowers

at 14.03.2010

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Sunday mar 14th

The Jerusalem Arts Festival brings together local and out-of-town performing groups for a week-long celebration of the arts in Jerusalem. This year's festival comprises some 30 performances - dance, theatre and music - taking place in theatres and halls throughout the city.


The Jerusalem Arts Festival: Classic Spring, Budding Flower





About the show - Concert with the Jerusalem Amateur Symphonic Orchestra in cooperation with the conservatory and the high school of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. The program includes works by Beethoven, Mozart, Hummel and Haydn.

Performance - Jerusalem Amateur Symphonic Orchestra together with soloists, students of the conservatory and the high school of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.

Credits -
Conductor - Amos Boasson
Soloists: Maya Blustein - soprano. Itai Habsush - trumpet. Yanna Guendelman - violin. Roman Spitzer - viola. Oleg Stolpner - cello.

Price: 50 NIS
Event Time: 20:00

Event Date: 14/03/2010

Duration: 90 minutes with intermission

Venue: Y.M.C.A


King David St. 26

Near The Jerusalem Arts Festival: Classic Spring, Budding Flowers

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