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Events in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Arts Festival: A New Song I Will Sing For You

at 12.03.2010

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Friday mar 12th

The Jerusalem Arts Festival brings together local and out-of-town performing groups for a week-long celebration of the arts in Jerusalem. This year's festival comprises some 30 performances - dance, theatre and music - taking place in theatres and halls throughout the city.


The Jerusalem Arts Festival: A New Song I Will Sing For You





About the show - A musical performance of a cappella singing of text from Jewish sources, liturgical poetry and prayer. A variegated musical mosaic based on musical traditions of East and West, accompanied by a theatrical interlude from the world of Hassidism.

Performance - The "Cappellata" vocal ensemble
Hazzanut - Cantorial Performance - Cantor Eliyahu Schleifer
Acting - Shir Shenar

Credits - Musical director and conductor - Shelly Berlinsky
Production - Ofer Zeevi

Price 50 NIS
Event Time 12:30

Event Date 12/03/2010

Duration 75 minutes with no intermission

Venue Menachem Begin Center


Nachon St. 6 (Menachim Begin Heritage Center)

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