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Events in Jerusalem

Kalabbat in Costume

Kalabbat in Costume at 20.03.2011

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Sunday mar 20th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Kalabbat in Costume": The Incubator actors and Jackie Levy.

~Sunday, March 20, 11 AM

An extraordinary performance for the entire family by the Kalabbat Shabbat group, about costumes, wine, and the wicked Haman. In keeping with the Kalabbat tradition, we will read the Megillah as you've never heard it before.
We'll fill hamantashen, choose the winning costume of 2011, and receive a special blessing from the Rabbi Zatsukal Shlita.

Admission: NIS 60, students: 30 NIS  | Family admission: NIS 120 (four people)


King George St. 44


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