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Events in Jerusalem

Kicking Off the Month at Beit Avi Chai: Adar I 5771

Kicking Off the Month at Beit Avi Chai: Adar I 5771 at 05.02.2011

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Saturday feb 5th

Beit Avi Chai presents Kicking Off the Month--Adar I: Sun, Moon, Leap Year.

The function of the month of Adar I is to align the lunar calendar with the solar calendar. As we begin the month, we'll talk about these powerful symbols: the sun and the moon.

Moderator: Prof. Avigdor Shinan


Prof. Yair Zakovitz, Department of Bible, the Hebrew University-"Praise Him, sun and moon": the sun and moon in the Bible

Dr. Debby Hershman, curator of ancient cultures at the Israel Museum-"And let them be for signs and for seasons": the moon and sun as ancient "time machines"

Sing-along with Yoni Eilat

Admission free, but subject to available space.

Tickets available from 7:30 PM

This is a Hebrew-language only event


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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