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Events in Jerusalem

The Seven Species

The Seven Species at 13.01.2011

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Thursday jan 13th

Beit Avi Chai presents "The Seven Species."

Tuesday, January 11, 7 PM / Thursday, January 13, 7 PM

A culinary series in honor of Tu BiShvat

Why are the Jews likened to olives? And why should we want our merits multiplied like pomegranate seeds? Why are women compared to figs, and what is the honey mentioned among the Seven Species? In honor of Tu BiShvat, chef Yossi Ben-Dayan and Prof. Avigdor Shinan invite you to an educational culinary workshop focusing on the seven species with which the Land of Israel is blessed.

The workshop will include a demonstration of how to make salads and soups from Israeli fruit, as well as tastings of the results.

Length of workshop: about 2½ hours

In conjunction with the Tachlit Center for Continuing Education, Hadassah College, Jerusalem

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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