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Events in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Arts Festival: A Loving Woman

at 13.03.2010

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Saturday mar 13th

The Jerusalem Arts Festival brings together local and out-of-town performing groups for a week-long celebration of the arts in Jerusalem. This year's festival comprises some 30 performances - dance, theatre and music - taking place in theatres and halls throughout the city.


The Jerusalem Arts Festival: A Loving Woman





About the show - Soloists and a multi-voice ensemble perform love songs from a feminine angle which attest to the uniqueness of a loving woman.
Performance - Singers: Sonia Kresniya, Idit Rosen and the "Nana" trio
Direction and singing

Performance orchestra

Credits -
Musical director: Orna Magen
Producer: Yossi Davara
Production: Alpert Municipal Music Center

Price: 40 NIS
Event Time: 21:00

Event Date: 13/03/2010

Duration: 90 minutes with no intermission

Venue: Hama'abada


Hebron St. 28


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