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Events in Jerusalem

Boogie December 2010 at the Jerusalem Theatre

at 30.12.2010

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Thursday dec 30th

Boogie invites you to the 2010 winter season of music and movement parties, every Thursday night at the new Boogie location in the Jerusalem Theater.

December 2, 2010 from 21:30 - 2:30: Boogie music and movement Chanukah party: DJs spinning world music, dance workshops, live music and guest musicians, Chanukah candle lighting with musical accompaniment.

*There will be no Boogie on December 9, 2010.

Other Boogie dates in December 2010:

December 16, 23, and 30, 2010.

December 30, 2010: End of the year party starting at 21:30 and late into the night. Two rooms, chai shop, dance workshops, live shows, and DJs. Special guests after midnight. OptiMystic Noa Zulu & DJ Tomer | Live on DJ- Live didgeridoo on trance DJ set.


Open Hours



Jerusalem Theatre | Marcus St. 20


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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