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Events in Jerusalem

Avot 2011: A Look at the Fathers

at 02.06.2011

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Thursday jun 2nd

Beit Avi Chai presents Avot 2011: A Look at the Fathers


The sixth season of the successful lecture series. A continuation of the previous series, where we focused on the rabbis who are at the heart of Pirkei Avot. This season we will continue to discover fascinating personalities and learn about their lives, the schools where they studied and taught their aspiration to improve the world, and their place in Jewish history.

Organized and moderated by: Prof. Avigdor Shinan

Part 1: Famous and Less Famous
Speaker: Prof. Avigdor Shinan
-Thursday, April 28, 8 PM

Part 2: Rabbi Elazar ben Arach
Guest: Prof. Yeshayahu Gafni
-Thursday, May 5, 8 PM

Part 3: Elisha ben Abuyah
Guest: Yehudit Rotem, author
-Thursday, May 12, 8 PM

Part 4: Chanina ben Dossa
Guest: Jackie Levy
-Thursday, May 19, 8 PM

Part 5: Rabban Gamliel
Guest: Rabbi Shai Piron
-Thursday, May 26, 8 PM

Part 6: Rabbi Tarfon
Guests: Dr. Ruhama Weiss and Avner Hacohen, psychologist
-Thursday, June 2, 8 PM

Admission: 30 NIS, students: NIS 20; NIS 150 for the series

These are Hebrew-language only events.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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