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Events in Jerusalem

Person, Place, Picture

at 01.03.2011

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Tuesday mar 1st

Beit Avi Chai presents "Person, Place, Picture": Local photography in Eretz Israel.

For 150 years, Eretz Israel-landscape, sites, and people-has been photographed, resulting in a beautiful view of the evolution of modern Jewish-Israeli identity. Against the backdrop of the country's landscapes, the Zionist enterprise-and with it, the people- was documented from its inception.

A series of sessions on the photographs, places, people, and memories that all these evoke, as well as the development of landscape photography in Israel, as seen through the work of photographers of Eretz Israel: from Bonfils, Kluger, and Peter Merom to Yossi Eshbol.

A series of sessions with Guy Raz, photographer, scholar, and curator of local photography. Raz, curator of the Song of the Lake exhibition at BEIT AVI CHAI, hosts a leading Israeli historian each week.

Part 1: On a Hill Off in the Galilee

Tuesday, February 15, 8:30 PM

Joseph Trumpeldor and the Upper Galilee

Guest: Dr. Motti Zeira, director of the Midrasha at Oranim, scholar of the Second Aliyah, the Zionist emissaries, and the culture of the Zionist pioneers

Part 2: On the Hills of Sheikh Abrek and Hartiya

Tuesday, February 22, 8:30 PM

Alexander Zeid and the Valleys

Guest: Prof. Motti Golani, historian, Department of Land of Israel Studies, University of Haifa.

Part 3: And the Negev, Too, Shall Bloom

Tuesday, March 1, 8:30 PM

David Ben-Gurion and the Negev

Guest: Prof. Zeev Tzachor, president of Sapir College, Ben-Gurion University.

Admission: NIS 30 per session; students: NIS 20; NIS 80 for the series

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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