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Events in Jerusalem

Reflections of Israel

Reflections of Israel at 07.07.2010

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Wednesday jul 7th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Reflections of Israel" Three conversations with Dana Weiss on trust in Israeli society.

In preparation for Tisha Be'av, the emblem of destruction in Israeli society, Israeli society must ask itself some incisive questions. Does it protect itself against crises? Are its weaknesses being dealt with appropriately? Three conversations. Three guests. Three instances of Israeli soul-searching. Host: Journalist Dana Weiss

On Justice
Is everyone equal before the Supreme Court? Is it capable of protecting Israeli democracy?
A conversation with Prof. Yedidia Stern, Bar-Ilan University and the Israel Democracy Institute

On Leaders, Money, and Power
Public trust in the government is declining from year to year. Why? Can the decline be stopped?
A conversation with MK Prof. Yuli Tamir, a former education minister

On Life and Death
Do prisoners have a price? Is conscription into the IDF affected by the handling of the issue of PoWs and MiAs? And what about public trust in the government in this context?
A conversation with Yoel Marshak, head of the kibbutz movement's task force

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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