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Events in Jerusalem

Kalabbat Shabbat Celebtrates Three Years!

Kalabbat Shabbat Celebtrates Three Years! at 12.05.2010

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Wednesday may 12th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Kalabbat Shabbat celebtrates 3 years!"

The Incubator and Jackie Levy celebrate Jerusalem Day with a special show.

Everyone's invited to a wild first-haircut celebration! What blessing will the Late Great Rabbi (long may he live) give Jerusalem? Who will win the Western Wall note championship? Where will Fortuna go on the Jerusalem March? Who will have the privilege of singing "Jerusalem of Gold"? And what song will the gang dedicate to the Holy City?

With Ham u'Mehamem Boom

The event will take place at the BEIT AVI CHAI courtyard


This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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