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Events in Jerusalem

Kalabbat Shabbat: The Flaming Season

Kalabbat Shabbat: The Flaming Season at 21.05.2010

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Friday may 21st

Beit Avi Chai presents "Kalabbat Shabbat": The Incubator actors continue with its funniest season ever.

With you every Friday with a winning format: songs, comedy sketches, study, a guest, the weekly Torah portion, and more

Every Friday at 13:00

Artistic director: Jackie Levy


The Flaming Season:

Without a red dress and without gloves, Jackie Levy and the Kalabbat cast ask: Why? Why is the bouncer upset about the poverty line? Why is one person poor and suffering while another is rich and has it easy? Why the envelopes? Why social classes? And furthermore, why not us?
The weekly Torah portion is on the grill-and it'll stay there until we start getting some answers.
Don't say you weren't warned.


This is a Hebrew-language only event.



King George St. 44


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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