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The Jerusalem Municipality and Ginot Ha'ir present an autumn celebration of community and culture on Emek Refaim, on Monday October 7, 2013 from 17:00-23:00. The street will be closed to traffic and will host a variety of activities for all ages at a number of stations along the street, aimed at emphasizing the power of community and social action. The festival will focus on hot and current community issues, including social activism, community renewal and involvement, Jewish and Jerusalem-style pluralism, and more.
*Interactive debates
*"On the Railings": youth arena with a variety of activities
*Song and dance in the courtyard 55+
*street games and activities for kids
*cooking workshops
*a street wide exhibit exhibiting the work of local artists
*cultural stage with Jewish-Arab ensembles
*street party-political activism with Salon Shabazi and other youth organizations
Free entrance! Free parking in the Liberty Bell Park and First Station parking lots.
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