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Beit Avi Chai presents the Piyyut Festival 2011. The festival will take place from September 19-22, 2011. The festival includes concerts, workshops, and tours.
In addition, the festival will feature "Piyyutim into the Night": Every night, from 22:00-23:00, after the main concert, the Piyyut festivities continue with free performances in the Beit Avi Chai courtyard.
Throughout the festival, the exhibit "Piyyut: Emotion and Thought" will be on display at Beit Avi Chai.
Yair Harel, Artistic Director
For full details, consult the Festival program or visit its website at
The Aleppo Machzor: A gala event in honor of the new album "Ten Zemirot Ami" with new melodies for piyyutim from the Aleppo machzor
~ Wednesday, September 21, 7:30 PM
Admission: NIS 60, students: NIS 30, National Library (Givat Ram), Weintraub Auditorium
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