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Opening Event
To celebrate fifty years, with cooperation from the Department of Arts and Culture and Jerusalem Municipality, the Israel Festival will kick off with a party in the city center.
"Giselle" in Safra Square - the Israeli Ballet hosts the Bolshoi Soloists
At 20:30 in Safra Square, the Israel Ballet, managed by Berta Yampolsky and Hillel Markman, will present the classic piece "Giselle", featuring guest soloists from Moscow: Bolshoi's Anna Antonichva and Alexander Welch Cove.
Two hours including an intermission
Before the show, all are invited to a unique experience in Zion Square, Australia's "Strange Fruit", a performance with contorting dancers suspended above the audience.
Duration: 20 minutes
The show will take place at 17:00 and at 19:00.
Free admission
This performance is being organized under the auspices of the 2011 Israel Festival. For our complete coverage of the festival, click here.
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