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Events in Jerusalem

Israel Festival 2011: Salute to Israel with Rita, Hadag Nachash, and David D'or

Israel Festival 2011: Salute to Israel with Rita, Hadag Nachash, and David D'or at 02.06.2011

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Thursday jun 2nd

Salute to the Israel Festival and Yom Yerushalayim in Gan Sacher

Marking fifty years of the Israel Festival, this show celebrates Jerusalem Day, sponsored the Israel Festival, Jerusalem Municipality, and the Arts Department of the Jerusalem Foundation.

To perform: Rita, Hadag Nachash, David D'or accompanied by the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, Vertigo and Hora Jerusalem dance troupes

Length of concert: two hours

Photo: Yossi Zvicker

This performance is being organized under the auspices of the 2011 Israel Festival. For our complete coverage of the festival, click here.


Various venues around Jerusalem.


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