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Beit Avi Chai presents "The Haggadah in Pictures": Two speakers explore the illustrations in the Passover Haggadah.
The pictures in the Haggadah are more than illustrations. They represent various interpretations of the text, in keeping with the place and time in which the Haggadah was published.
Through the images and illustrations that surround the text, we encounter diverse perspectives on the concept of exile, the longing for Jerusalem, and the figure of the son and the soldier from the 14th century until the beginning of Zionism.
• Dr. Chaim Grossman, scholar of Israeli culture-"The Good Son or the Wicked? From the Evil Soldier of Destruction to the Good Soldier of Redemption in the Zionist Era"
• Prof. Shalom Sabar, Hebrew University-"Everyone Has a City: The Image of Jerusalem and the End of Days in Haggadot over the Generations"
This is a Hebrew-language only event.
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