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Events in Jerusalem

Film, Fashion, and Philosophy Film Festival at the Cinematheque

Film, Fashion, and Philosophy Film Festival at the Cinematheque at 27.05.2010

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Thursday may 27th

The Israel Goethe Institute, The Department of Fashion of the Bezalel Academy for Art and Design, the Jerusalem Cinematheque and the Centre Culturel Francais Romain Gary present a three day festival exploring the connection between film, fashion and philosophy, to take place at the Jerusalem Cinematheque. The festival, whose participants are to include designers, film makers, fashion professionals, academics, journalists, and bloggers from Israel and abroad, will include exhibits, fashion displays, films and documentaries, discussions, lectures, and parties. For more information and the full schedule in English, please click here.








Cinematheque Derech Hevron 11


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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