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Events in Jerusalem

Reframing Reality Film Festival

Reframing Reality Film Festival at 26.04.2010

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Monday apr 26th

The "Reframing Reality" Internaional Film Fesival, a festival focusing on films about the disabled, will take place at the Jerusalem Cinematheque from April 26-29, 2010. The theme of the festival, which is the first of its kind in Israel, is challenging the concept people have of disability. For more information and the full schedule, visit the Cinematheque's website: or the Festival's website:


Detailed information and the full schedule of the festival in Hebrew and English can be found here.

Festival Contact information and details:


Telephone: 02 5654333, ext 0.
Fax: 02 5654335
email: [email protected]

Please mention if you need a place for a wheelchair

Limited places available

The halls are accessible for wheelchair users.

The events are accessible to people with hearing
difficulties via sign language, content screening and headphones.

Transportation for people with physical difficulties and wheelchair
users to the entrance of the Cinematheque, will be available from the
nearby parking lots (Liberty Bell Park and the Hevron Road
opposite the Mount Zion Hotel) every hour, on the hour,
and one hour before each event. The Begin Heritage Center
is fully accessible and parking will be reserved for cars
with handicap signs.


Jerusalem Cinematheque, Derech Hevron 11


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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