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Events in Jerusalem

The Jerusalem Arts Festival: Past Midnight - Free Events

The Jerusalem Arts Festival: Past Midnight - Free Events at 09.03.2010

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Tuesday mar 9th

The Jerusalem Arts Festival brings together local and out-of-town performing groups for a week-long celebration of the arts in Jerusalem. This year's festival comprises some 30 performances - dance, theatre and music - taking place in theatres and halls throughout the city.

Past Midnight: Free events at the Jerusalem Theatre.

10:45 p.m. - half past midnight, in the lobby of the Jerusalem Theatre

During the days of the Festival:

Tuesday, March 9 ''Let's Dance'' - Folk Dancing with Avner Naim

Wednesday March 10 - ''Perach Adom'' (Red Flower)- Bouzouki and Vocals: Tomer Katz, singing and Tambourine: Natali Orion, guitar: Orel Tamoz, contrabass: Elad Kenar

Thursday March 11 - The Matan Klain Ensemble - singing songs of Neomi Shemer Flute: Matan Klain, Contrabass: Hagai Biliztki' Guitar: Hagai Hayat, Drums: Oded Aloni, Piano: Gilad Hatzav, Vocals :Shira Kerner

Saturday March 13 - Israeli Rock with the Even Yerushalmit (Jerusalem stone) Troupe. Vocals: Meital Saidoff; Guitars and Vocals: Amir Schreiber, Avi Ben Yosef and Yehuda Ashash; Drums: Shlomi Elbo.

Sunday March 14 - ''A Greek Love Story'' with the singer Aliza Aviv, Bouzouki: Haim Romano, and rock from the Sixties: Shmulik Bar-Oz


Marcus St. 20


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