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Hitorerut Jerusalem presents the DEFROST Jerusalem Festival: an alternative culture festival in Jerusalem. The festival will give an opportunity for artists with little money or resources a chance to perform and gain publicity. It is a chance to be exposed to the rich cultural scene in the areas of music, dance, theatre, cinema, street theatre, and more.
Day One Schedule of Events:
Bass Club: Porsim Kan: Af
DE:FROST Festival Opening
"Af" Magazine Launch
The Secret Project Debut
The Biting Sheep
Hama'abada: Gimmel: Jerusalem Hip Hop
Segol 59: Nati Hassid: Raf
Funky Fish: DJ
Constantine: De:frosting
Hebrew University Agudat Hastudentim
Art: Bezalel
Project Chromodynamics (RUS)
Rebel Sun vs. Guy Mar
Gio vs Gili da Kid
Simon Baring (UK)
Psaj Tzameret: Blaze
Street Art
Jam Sessions
Warm wine/Hot soup/Hot corn
Agripas 88: Designers' Bazaar
Exhibit: Sobering up/Waking Up
Artists Bazaar
Sira: Night of Holy Shit
Marky Funk
Dub Al Wad CrewMap
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