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Events in Jerusalem

PhotoSynthesis: Rodney Graham at Ticho House

PhotoSynthesis: Rodney Graham at Ticho House at 07.07.2011

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Thursday jul 7th

From July 7 to November 4, 2011, the Ticho House hosts the PhotoSynthesis exhibit, sponsored by the Israel Museum.  

Employing a multitude of media, Canadian artist Rodney Graham's works reflect his fascination with the cultural and intellectual environment of the 19th century. His wide-ranging art frequently engages with technologies of the past: literary, psychological, and musical texts, optical devices, and film. This exhibition brings together four consummate examples of Graham's work, representing different disciplines (video, photography, and drawing). They demonstrate the ways in which the cultural and intellectual traditions of the past, which resonate throughout Ticho House, have informed his contemporary artistic practice.


Curator: Timnah Seligman

Photo credit: Detail, Rodney Graham's Vexation Island, 1997, courtesy of the artist.

Open Hours

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10:00 to 17:00; Tuesday 10:00 to 22:00; Friday 10:00 to 14:00


Harav Kook St. 9


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