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Events in Jerusalem

SPNI Weekend Walk in Rechavia

SPNI Weekend Walk in Rechavia at 17.06.2011

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Friday jun 17th

Kick off the weekend with the Society for the Preservation of Nature in Israel on a leisurely walk to "follow the famous in Rechavia."  Led by tour guide Tzvi "Tacho" Hillman, the event costs 40 NIS (30 for Beit Avi Chai members.)  Continue to Beit Avi Chai afterwards for a humorous performance of "Kabbalat Shabbat" by Jackie Levy and his colleagues.


Special price for the walk and performance:  75 NIS (55 for members)


Walk begins at 9:30, meet at Heleni Hamalka St. 13


To register, call 02-625-2357

Open Hours

Sunday to Thursday, 9:00 to 15:00


13 Heleni HaMalka St., Sergei Courtyard


The Jerusalem Tourism Map:

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