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Click here to view this week top events >Four weekends that will heat up your stay in Jerusalem: exhibitions, concerts, theater, music and dance shows. Also – special menus with special prices will be offered and selected hotels will offer special deals and packages during the Chamshushalayim festival.
Hamshushalayim 2016: Recommended Events
As the best of Jerusalem's tradition, December will be a month full of special events - here are just a few prominent examples you wouldn't want to miss: Poetry festival at Beit Avi Chai, modern times' festival and exhibition at the Science Museum, crazy night at the Bible Lands Museum, a musical time travel at the Museum for Islamic Art, Night Spectacle at the Tower of David Museum for a special price and much more.
Hamshushalayim Festivals
The Israeli Film Museum at Cinema City will host the international AVI festival for video art over 40 screens and in one theater that will open the Hamshushalayim events; the Hullegeb Festival virtue of Beit Hayotzer of the Confederation House for Israeli-Ethiopian art, with a special opening show by international singer Aster Aweke; the Israel Museum Jazz Festival, which will be hosting top jazz players in a bubbly atmosphere and the Piano Festival at the Jerusalem Museum, which will be all about a musical celebration with top pianists, combining surprising musical styles.
Hamshushalayim – Musical – Theatrical
The Museum of Italian-Jewish Art will present operas - “From Venice with Love”; the Scottish Saint Andrew’s Church will host the Jerusalem A-Cappella Singers on a moving vocal show; the Psik Theater will present “Shir Ke’ev Ose Li Tov” – a play with numerous actors about Jerusalem as a sign to the current mood of the people of Israel; the Jerusalem Theater will present “Literary Master Chef” hosting the Jerusalem Theater Group Ensemble and Jerusalem’s native Chef Gil Hovav, authors and poets. The Israel Museum will host Einat Sarouf, Liran Danino and Yishai Ribo, a dramatized tour at the Agnon House – each room constitutes a story and dozens of other shows, plays and cabaret shows for all ages.
More Special Events
The Israel Museum will present acoustic performances by Yishai Ribo and Liran Danino, the Ramangar flamenco group on a tribute evening to Yehuda HaLevi and Manuel Molina; a colorful happening of 120 artists at the Bezalel Fair; a Winter Books’ Fair at the Alliance House; a bells’ concert at the YMCA grass lawn and more. In addition, Muar Festival – a Jewish festival for stage arts for the whole family – will be held during 5 days of the Hanukah holiday.
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