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Events in Jerusalem

Fish Stories: A culinary workshop on fish

Fish Stories: A culinary workshop on fish at 14.12.2010

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Tuesday dec 14th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Fish Stories": A culinary workshop on fish.

What special powers are attributed to fish, and why do fish appear in so many amulets? What was the first stuffed fish? What are the unique qualities of a Pisces, and what does all this have to do with the fish we eat on Shabbat?

Chef Yossi Ben-Dayan, Prof. Avigdor Shinan, and Prof. Shalom Sabar invite you to a workshop about fish, its flavor, and its meaning. In the workshop, we will prepare fish recipes from several different cuisines, learn how to identify fresh fish, and discover the importance of fish in Jewish cuisine and its meaning in art and literature.

Length of workshop: about 2½ hours

• Wednesday, November 3, 7 PM
Chef Yossi Ben-Dayan, with Prof. Avigdor Shinan will serve you fish stories.

• Tuesday, December 134, 7 PM
Chef Yossi Ben-Dayan, with Prof. Shalom Sabar on folk art and folklore about fish

Admission: NIS 60; students: NIS 30

Space limited. Advance registration is strongly recommended.
In conjunction with the Tachlit Center for Continuing Education, Hadassah College, Jerusalem

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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