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Events in Jerusalem

Pita with Goulash

Pita with Goulash at 28.11.2010

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Sunday nov 28th

Beit Avi Chai presents "Pita with Goulash."

• Sunday, November 28, 20:00

An evening about the rib-tickling humor of Hungarian-Israelis, in conjunction with the Hungarian Embassy in Israel.

The cultural baggage that Hungarians brought with them is seasoned with heaps of humor. Seeing a lightly drawn caricature of a prominent figure or watching a play by Kishon still makes us laugh (and cry) about who we are and what we have become.

"Pita with Goulash" brings to fruition many years of work by a few witty Hungarians who impacted generations of Israeli-born illustrators, caricaturists, writers, journalists, and playwrights.

Moderator: Efraim Sidon, satirist, author, and playwright

Opening remarks: Mr. Zoltán Szentgyörgyi, Hungarian Ambassador to Israel

Michel Kichka, illustrator and caricaturist
Michael Dak, journalist, author, and translator
Adi Deutsch, arrangements and musical accompaniment

The evening will incorporate animated films, musical pieces, and scenes from plays performed by Yarden Bar-Kochva and Avi Grainik.

At 19:00 there will be a reception featuring Hungarian delicacies.

Admission is free, but subject to available space.

Caricatures with assistance from the Israeli Museum of Caricatures and Comics

This is a Hebrew-language only event.


King George St. 44


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